Reading Light in August

Today I am finally picking up one of my books for my 2015 TBR Pile Challenge!  I don't know why I have been so...lackadaisical about picking up any.  Maybe that's why they are still on my TBR pile instead of on my Books I've Read list.

Anyway, Lisa and I are going to pick up Light in August.  We've tried doing buddy reads in the past and they've always petered out rather quickly.  Nothing wrong with that; it happens.  But I always love reading Faulkner in the early spring, so I am hoping I will finally be able to stick with one!

During college each year on the first warm truly spring day that we'd have, I'd skip classes and cancel plans to stay home, throw open the windows, make some fresh lemonade, and read As I Lay Dying.  It was like clockwork.  I couldn't not do it.  This time I want to branch out a bit and read something else by Faulkner.  Also I'm not sure if we'll be getting any spring weather any time soon.  It feels like a permanent winter has settled in and I'm so over it.

I'll admit...we might be having a nice 62 degree day on Tuesday.  And I don't have to work.  If that happens, you had better believe I will be throwing open the windows and reading all day and woe betide anyone who tries to stand in my way!

All right.  Enough stalling!  I am completely ready to get down to some reading this morning before I have to go to work.


  1. All right - it turns out I don't have this one. And I couldn't find it at the library book sale. But it's Faulkner so I'm buying this bad boy and I'll get it for my Nook so I can start reading right away. And by "right away," I mean 9 days late!


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